Are You Charged with Any Criminal Case in New York? Contact Paul D. Petrus, Jr. - Criminal Attorney
- If you are looking for a New York criminal defense attorney, then Paul D. Petrus Jr. can help you with his extensive experience in a variety of criminal areas. Mr. Petrus is a member of the New York State Bar Association and is a practicing New York criminal defense attorney. Mr. Petrus works in federal and state courts. Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor offense or the most complicated federal crime, rest assured that NYC criminal attorney Mr. Petrus is as prepared and zealous in representing you as he would for himself. Mr. Petrus’ practice focuses on all criminal matters in the state of New York, including violations, misdemeanors, felonies and all federal crimes. Contact Details Telephone: 212-564-2440 Email: Office is located at: The Empire State Building 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3601 New York, NY 10118 For more details, visit