Printer Service Training, Printer Repairing Course, Printer Repairing Manuals, Printer Repairing in
- PRINTER SERVICE ADVANCE TRAINING in 5 days LASER PRINTER REPAIRING TRAINING Laser Printer Working Concept, Block Diagram of Laser Printer, Importance & Introduction, Common Fault & Equality of Printer, Circuit Concept, Refilling Cartrage, PCB Concept, Control Unit, Power Unit, Lens Assembly, Scanner Device DESKJET PRINTER REPAIRING TRAINING Basic Concept of Deskjet Printer, Assembly & Parts Demo, Dismenting & Reassembling HP Deskjet Printer, Diff. Parts Identify with Troubleshooting, Papeer Fedder Senser, Door Senser, DOT MATRIX PRINTER REPAIRING TRAINING Basic Concept of Dot Matrix Printer, Mechanism, Daisy, Chain, Drum Printer, Printer Head Working, Power Supply, Processor section, Pin head Refurbish, SMPS bord Concept, Stepper Motors, DMP & PCB Concept
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