• Express Employment Professionals of Oxnard, CA

  • Express Employment Professionals of Oxnard, CA
  • Express Employment Professionals of Oxnard, CA is a Staffing Agency that is locally owned and operated providing services for job seekers to find work and businesses to find qualified employees. Address: 2371 E Vineyard Ave Suite B, Oxnard, CA 93036 Phone: (805) 973-1870 Contact Person: Marina Flores, Marketing Specialist Business Owner: Neil and Janet McMillan Business Email: Jobs.OxnardCA@expresspros.com Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM Common job types include: receptionists, administrative assistants, warehouse clerks, shipping/receiving clerks, assemblers, machinists, accounting clerks, HR managers, IT specialists, programmers, engineers - and more!
    • USD
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